Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Magazine Ad

My assignment was to create a magazine ad. I chose to advertise lotion. In this project I learned different elements with the paint tool and pinch tool, also more with layering. I liked that we could choose whatever we wanted to advertise. In the picture what I liked the most was the pinching tool. It made the backround pop more.

Monday, September 17, 2012

CD Covers

 This assignment was to create a CD cover front and back for songs/an artist that you enjoyed listening to. I decided to do songs that inspired me. In this assignment i learned layers and art elements. In this assignment i liked how we got to choose what we wanted to pick songs about. My favorite thing about my project is the pictures i have taken for it.


Word Project

          This project is the word project. I had to find letters in everyday life that could make a word. In this porject we learned more about layers, newer things we learned are filters and how to create drop shadows. During this assignment it was sometimes difficult to find all the letters that were needed. My favorite thing about this assignment was that it is based on my life and memories.

My Snowman

             This was my first big project. I just learned how to use layers. To get these different layers we took them off of pictures then put them together. On this project i liked how we used it from a lot of different pictures to create one. One of my favorite things i did on this project was my snowmans' face.